Vi benytter webbaserte regnskapssystemer. Disse er like tilgjengelig for deg som for oss, og du har alltid kontroll over det vi har gjort.
til ditt eAccounting, Conta regnskap, Fiken regnskap, PowerOffice go eller Xledger eller vi setter opp en løsning til deg. Kostnadsfritt onboarding.
Effektiv lønnskjøring
Når du har ansatte eller driver aksjeselskap hvor du er eneste ansatte må godtgjørelsen utbetales som lønn.
Fakturering er din mulighet til å få inn penger til det som du har gjort i bedriften din enten du har en kasseløsning, moderne nettbaserte løsninger f.eks. iZettle eller Vipps, eller om du sender ut faktura.
Få full kontroll over regnskapet ditt hos oss.
Accounting for low hourly rates or flat fees. We are a complete accounting firm that covers your needs in accounting, financial management and reporting. We offer free onboarding.
Become a customer through our website and we will contact you to get started.
Together we develop a plan on who does what. We work in the same system, and you will have easy access to the tasks you want to do yourself. Easy for you – easy for us!
We are where you are – local and always online. We understand you and know your needs for more time to focus on your core competencies, better control and improved finances for your business.
We use web-based accounting systems. These are just as accessible to you as they are to us, and you always have control over what we have done.
When you have employees or run a limited liability company where you are the only employee, the compensation must be paid as wages.
Invoicing is your opportunity to collect payment for the work you have done in your business, whether you have a cash register solution, modern online solutions such as iZettle or Vipps, or if you send invoices.